How can Sports Professionals Benefit from Spirulina to Build Strength?
Are you searching for the most trusted super-food that boosts your strength to perform better at
sports? If yes, you might want to learn about Spirulina, also known as blue-green algae, the first ever
super-food on earth. For its nutritional benefits, Spirulina is popular among athletes, where sports
professionals are involved in intense physical activities. Strenuous physical activities increase the oxygen
uptake of the body, which further increases the active oxygen species, including superoxide radicals,
hydroxyl radicals, and aldehydes. Unfortunately, these species are toxic, carcinogenic, and mutagenic to
cells. Thus, inhibiting these toxic species is necessary to maintain good health.
Why do sports professionals choose Spirulina over other supplements?
Spirulina is an aquatic cyanobacterium or algae which has gained popularity as a dietary supplement due to its high nutritional value. It has a significant component of 70% protein, is rich in vitamins, and can be digested easily by our body with 95% assimilation. According to NASA, 1 kilo of Spirulina has more nutritional value than 1000 kilos of fruits. In addition, it has 3,900% enhanced beta-carotene than carrots, 300% increased calcium value than milk, 2,300% enhanced iron value than spinach, and 375% increased amount of protein than tofu.
This might sound impressive, but there are other additional benefits of Spirulina. Its high value of antioxidants and minerals also helps the environment by producing oxygen when it grows and absorbing carbon dioxide.
Spirulina for outstanding performance in sports
Physical fitness is necessary for every athlete, and Spirulina plays a vital role in maintaining an
individual’s overall wellness. Its density in nutrients is higher compared to numerous foods and other
dietary supplements available on the market. It is an effective supplement because of its lower calorie
content and ability to prevent hunger and reduce fatigue and blood pressure. Due to its alkaline nature,
it helps sports professionals to regulate their internal PH and improve their performance.
If you are looking for a dietary supplement that increases your strength and physical capacity, you can trust Spirulina, as it is a safe and effective supplement. 3 grams of Spirulina is sufficient for a sportsperson (men or women) to perform well at strenuous physical activities. It is available in powder and tablet
form, allowing individuals to choose based on specific preferences. However, it can also be consumed as pre-workout drinks, or booster shakes that boost the individual’s physical capacity.
The Verdict
Numerous athletes choose a non-vegetarian diet to give them the sufficient amount of nutrition their
body needs. However, others find ways to keep their diet healthy and vegetarian for unknown reasons.
For instance, Jim Morris, a famous athlete, chose a vegetarian diet and won titles in Olympic Games and
others. Without consuming animal products, he displayed a true example of being healthy and excelled
in his performance.
Research on the impact of Spirulina on sportsperson by Milaðius et al. (2004) says that after using the
supplement for five days, it made the individuals more bouncy, enhanced their sleep quality, reduced
the load of physical capacity and fatigue, and improved their endurance when performing strenuous
exercises. Spirulina is among the top-rated vegetarian and organic dietary supplements offering
advanced benefits to sports professionals or other performers. So, you can switch to leading a healthy
life by adding a dose of organic supplements to your diet.