11 Easy Ways to Lose Water Weight

11 Easy Ways to Lose Water Weight

The human body contains about 60 percent of water, which is vital in maintaining all cellular functions. The water keeps the body hydrated, regulates the body temperature, and acts as a cushion to the joints. The excess water is usually removed as body waste in the form of urine and sweat. The amount of water in the body depends on age, sex, food, and water intake. 

Sometimes the body retains water in the tissue spaces causing them to swell and feel heavy. Water weight is when the body retains fluid that generally would go to the kidneys and get excreted through urine or sweat. Water weight can be uncomfortable and cause bloating and puffiness, especially in the abdomen, legs, and arms. It also makes a person’s weight fluctuate. However, it is often temporary and goes away on its own or with specific lifestyle changes. But many people worry about their water weight, especially people who have to keep up their appearances like athletes and bodybuilders.

Excessive water retention, called oedema, may be a side effect of other severe medical conditions, such as heart, liver or kidney disease. Women may experience water retention during the menstrual cycle and pregnancy. 

How Does Water Increase Body Weight?

Certain foods such as carbs and sodium increase the water absorption by the cells in the body. In addition, certain medications, such as calcium channel blockers, corticosteroids, nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs), and diabetes medications, can also increase the water weight. 

When a person begins a weight loss program or begins a low-carb diet, it is usually the 2-5 kgs of water weight that is lost in the first few days. Up to 70 percent loss of weight in the first week is due to the loss of water content.


  • Hormonal changes with a craving for salt and carbohydrate cravings during pregnancy and the menstrual cycle can cause water weight gain in women.
  • Food choices like high sodium and high carb diets can lead to water retention. 
  • Potassium and magnesium deficiencies can lead to water retention.
  • Sitting or standing for a long time or physical inactivity can reduce fluid circulation around the body leading to water build-up around the body tissue and swelling of extremities.
  • Certain health conditions such as chronic heart and kidney disease. These conditions can disrupt the normal flow of blood around the body. 
  • Some medications like anti-inflammatories and oral contraceptives may lead to water retention in the body.

Risk Factors

Water retention can affect everyone at any point in life. It is primarily temporary and does not cause any significant consequences. Some of the risk factors that increase water weight are:

  • malnutrition
  • sedentary lifestyle
  • unhealthy eating habits
  • kidney, liver, or heart conditions
  • corticosteroids
  • pregnancy
  • contraceptive pills
  • certain antidepressants
  • obesity

Water weight is rarely a cause for concern, but in some cases, it may be a symptom of an underlying serious health condition which needs immediate attention. Such signs are:

  • Severe water retention may lead to pitting oedema.
  • Fluid retention associated with coughing and shortness of breath may be a sign of fluid in the lungs or heart failure. 

How to Get Rid of Water Weight?

Getting rid of water weight depends on various factors such as age, sex, height, weight, lifestyle, eating habits, etc. 

With a properly balanced diet and regular fitness regimen, a person can lose up to 1.5 kilos in a few days.

Given below are 11 easy ways to lose water weight in a safe and healthy way.

1. Exercise Regularly

Exercising regularly is one of the efficient ways to reduce water weight in a short duration. Any physical activity increases the body heat and sweat through which some water can be lost. Exercise reduces water weight by burning the stored glycogen reserves. However, the lost fluid should be replaced immediately to avoid dehydration.

The average fluid loss after an hour of exercise is between 0.5–2 litres per, depending on other factors such as external temperature, weather, clothing, etc. During exercise, the body shifts water into the muscles to provide energy. One of the many options is using a sauna which will increase sweat and water loss.

A good workout also stimulates blood flow and improves circulation, reducing fluid build-up throughout the body, especially in the legs and feet.

2. Get Sufficient Sleep

Many studies report that good sleep is as vital for health as diet and exercise. This is because most of the body’s essential functions occur during sleep. For example, sleep may affect the sympathetic renal nerves in the kidneys, which regulate sodium and water balance. Rest may also control hydration levels and minimize water retention. 

A good night’s sleep helps the body manage the fluid and sodium balance and leads to reduced water weight.

3. Avoid Stress

Chronic stress can increase cortisol levels in the blood, directly influencing fluid retention and water weight. Increased stress levels in the body increase the hormone cortisol, which in turn leads to an increase in ADH, the anti–diuretic hormone.

ADH is essential for water balance in the body. Therefore, if it is affected, it may lead to water retention.

4. Essence of Electrolytes

Electrolytes are trace minerals with an electric charge, such as magnesium and potassium. They play essential roles in the body, such as regulating water balance.

When electrolytes become too low or too high, they can cause drastic shifts in fluid balance. It may lead to increased water weight. People who exercise regularly or live in a humid or hot environment may need to replace the lost electrolytes with electrolyte supplements. 

5. Manage the Salt Intake

Sodium is one of the most common electrolytes in the human body. It plays a significant role in regulating water balance and hydration levels. If sodium levels become too low or too high, it will lead to imbalances within the body and fluid retention.

A high salt intake from rich processed foods may increase water retention. This can get severe if coupled with low water intake and lack of exercise. Therefore, to avoid extreme changes, it is necessary to avoid excessive salt intake.

6. Eat Hydrating Foods

Eating foods which contain water and are naturally hydrating, and serve as natural diuretics can be highly effective in maintaining the water weight. Some of such hydrating foods are 

  • Celery is a natural diuretic as it contains phthalides and COX-2 inhibitors, which reduce uric acid in the body and are suitable for treating oedema.
  • Beets are high in potassium, which helps flush out excess body water.
  • Asparagus contains asparagine which acts as a diuretic and treats swelling and bloating.
  • Other hydrating foods are grapes, fennel, watercress, cantaloupe, watermelon, cabbage, cranberries, garlic, and cucumbers.

7. Drink Enough Water

Drinking more water can be very beneficial in reducing water retention. The body retains more water to prevent dehydration from conserving water needed for cellular functions.

Intake of a good amount of water is essential for liver and kidney health, which may reduce water retention. Drinking excessive amounts of fluid may increase the water weight. On the other hand, dehydration or too much hydration can lead to water retention. So, drinking balanced amounts of water is vital for a healthy body.

8. Focus on Healthy Foods

Several foods can be included in the diet to combat water retention. Some are potassium and magnesium-rich foods such as dark green leafy vegetables, beans, bananas, avocados, dark chocolate, nuts and whole grains, tomatoes, yoghurt, or other dairy products. They help balance sodium levels and increase urine production, helping remove excess water. 

9. Cut on Carbs

Reducing or limiting carbs is the most common way to remove excess water and prevent water retention. Carbs and sodium are stored in the muscles and liver as glycogen. The glycogen absorbs the water from outside and leads to water retention. 

For each gram of glycogen stored by the body, 3 to 4 grams of water may be retained. This is why people lose weight immediately after switching to a low-carb diet.

Increased carbs may lead to a rise in the hormone insulin, which can increase sodium retention and reabsorption of water in the kidneys. In contrast, low-carb diets lead to a drop in insulin levels, leading to a loss of salts and water from the body. 

10. Take Caffeine Supplements or Drink Tea and Coffee

Caffeinated drinks, coffee and tea, have diuretic effects and can help to reduce water weight. 

Try drinking tea, coffee or a caffeine supplement. It has been proven to increase short-term urine output and decrease water weight.

Taking moderate amounts of caffeine in the form of coffee, tea, or caffeine supplements may help to remove excess water.

11. Try Herbal Weight Loss Supplements

Natural diuretics in herbs and teas effectively remove excess fluid and toxic waste from the body. Various herbs and herbal supplements are safe and natural in helping to lose the water weight. They are black tea, dandelion, coriander, fennel, radish, and melon, and green tea can also be helpful as it contains caffeine, which acts as a diuretic. Alfalfa, olive leaf supplements, and parsley are also some of the natural diuretics. 

Many herbal weight loss products are available online and in medical stores. Some of the best weight loss products from Sunova are:

  • Disaster Herbal (200ml)+ Bioslim Combo- It is a syrup-based herbal tonic for digestion.
  • Sunova BIOSLIM Weight Management Formula- It helps the body to burn fat and effectively manage it.
  • Sunova Bioslim + Diabetic Care- Improves insulin sensitivity + herbal weight management.
  • Sunova Bioslim + Dr. Shugar- It is a natural, healthier, and non-calorific substitute for sugar.
  • Sunova Bioslim + Organic Spirulina Capsule-It contains the extract of Garcinia Cambogia and green coffee beans.

It is essential to choose a product from a well-reputed company and take the advice of a registered physician. 

The Bottom Line

The human body contains about 50 to 60 percent of water, and when the amount exceeds that level, it is considered water weight.

The best way to lose the excess water weight is to identify and treat the cause. This may be excess salt intake, lack of electrolytes, inactivity, extra stress, or the regular consumption of processed foods. Unfortunately, some of these are also among the leading causes of poor health and disease, which may be even more significant reasons to avoid them.

Sometimes kidney, liver, or heart disease and pregnancy can cause acute water retention, which should be addressed as soon as possible.

Water weight is not a major health concern but can be uncomfortable and recurring. Reducing salt and carbohydrate intake, keeping hydrated, and frequently exercising are all good ways to lose water weight and prevent it from returning. In addition, being active, eating lots of fruits and veggies, knowing what supplements to take, drinking caffeine, managing stress, and sleeping well are some of the best ways to avoid water weight.


Weight loss, Spirulina, Weight management, Exercise, Food Habits, Unhealthy Lifestyle, Dehydration.

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